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    Forex Articles

    Why Orders are Important in Forex Markets ? There is a need for some form of automation in the Forex markets. This is because the market runs 24 by 7. Therefore the value of investor holdings and therefore their net worth keep changing 24 by 7. Hence if an open position is not managed for…

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    Forex quotations can be quite complex for the average person. It takes some training and knowledge to understand that these quotations can be provided in more than one way! Also, it takes a little getting used to before a person can quickly comprehend these quotes and take quick decisions based on the same. In this…

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    The Foreign exchange market is far more complicated as compared to stock or bond markets. Predicting the foreign exchange rate includes predicting the performance of entire economies. There are a multitude of factors which come into play when exchange rates are being determined. This article lists down and explains some of the important factors which have…

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    The Foreign exchange market is far more complicated as compared to stock or bond markets. Predicting the foreign exchange rate includes predicting the performance of entire economies. There are a multitude of factors which come into play when exchange rates are being determined. This article lists down and explains some of the important factors which have…

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    Trend Is Your Friend Forex trading systems are what we often call “reactive systems”. There are many factors at work, and they cannot be quantified and measured to enable decision making. Forex traders, therefore, trade the trend. In other words, they try to time the market. Most successful Forex traders believe that the markets have a…

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    Trading foreign exchange is markedly different from trading other financial assets in the market. There are certain unique features of foreign exchange which make it so different. In this article we have listed down these features and explain how they influence an individual’s ability to trade the market. Currencies Come in Pairs The biggest difference…

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    Financial markets have their own terminologies. The Forex market has a number of terms which it shares with other financial markets but which mean different things in the Forex market. Also, there are some words which are completely unique to Forex. In this article, we have a closer look at Forex terms. These terms will…

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    Advantages of Currency Pegs Currency pegs have become extremely popular in the post Bretton Woods monetary world. About one fourth of all countries in the world today have pegged their currencies to some other major currency like the dollar or the euro. This strategy has bankrupted certain nations like Argentina whereas it has caused other nations…

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    The transition of the world monetary system from gold standard to the modern Forex markets was anything but smooth. Governments from all over the world collaborated to make two pacts which would form the basis of the modern monetary system. However, both the arrangements failed. In this article, we will have a closer look at…

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    The term “Forex market” is used very frequently in the media as well as in day to day life. It conjures up an image of a huge historic building somewhere in Canary Wharf or on Wall Street. However, that is not how the Forex market works. This market is unique in many respects and to…

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