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    Forex Articles

    The financial community of the world is at a consensus that the current economic system provides the United States government with exorbitant privileges. This means that the system does not treat all countries equally. Rather it provides an unfair advantage to the United States because the dollar is the reserve currency of the world. The…

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    he exchange rate between two currencies is determined by the interaction of several variables. Some variables have more influence on the determination of currency rates than the others. One such variable is the interest rate. In general, changes in the interest rate create huge fluctuations in the value of all currencies. In fact all major currency…

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    What Are Special Drawing Rights (SDRs)? Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) were a part of the monetary system that was created post World War-2 in the Bretton Woods arrangement. Since the United States had almost all of the gold reserves of the world at that time, the Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) were intended as a supra-national…

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    Concept of Carry Trade Carry trade is a kind of trade that is peculiar to the Forex market. In other markets, traders trade with the intention of benefitting from capital appreciation. However, in case of carry trade, traders have two expectations. They want to earn cash from capital appreciation as well as from the interest…

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    Arbitrage was earlier restricted only to commodities that could be traded easily in the markets. It is a phenomenon born out of the financial markets. However, the recent developments in the world have created a situation wherein arbitrage has become possible even in the labor markets and this arbitrage is directly influenced by the Forex…

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    China has become the largest exporter of goods in the world. This has been a remarkable feat achieved by the Chinese given the fact that just a couple of decades back, their economy was in complete shambles. Part of this feat can be attributed to the world class infrastructure that China has built to enable…

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    When Do Central Banks Intervene in the Forex Market ? Central Banks do not intervene often in the Forex market. In fact, the intervention by Central Banks can be considered to be a sign of significant economic weakness in a currency. As a result, Central Bank intervention usually only happens when the currency is under some…

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    The $4 trillion dollar Forex market witnesses a lot of market participants. However, all of these participants have different motives. An understanding of these motives is required to predict their behavior in the markets. Also, some of these participants have deeper pockets, better information and are more active than the others. Therefore, any student of Forex…

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    The Importance of Major Pairs The Forex market is a place where trading happens in all currencies. However, the volume of trade that is conducted in different currencies is very different. Hence, even though there are hundreds of currencies in the world, about two thirds of the massive $4 trillion dollar Forex volume is transacted in…

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    Advantages of Forex Market The biggest financial market in the world is the biggest market because it provides some advantages to its participants. Some of the major advantages offered are as follows: FlexibilityForex exchange markets provide traders with a lot of flexibility. This is because there is no restriction on the amount of money that…

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